Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Download Firefox

Firefox 2 users should always remember to check for the latest update to your Firefox Browser to Download updates. It keeps your browser up to date and gives you features that are included in the new version. Just go to help and check for updates.

Version 3.0 is just around the corner and as most people are, I am looking forward to the security improvements and other tweaks and updates with the new Mozilla Firefox Download that is going to be released very soon.

You can also participate in the beta version, but be careful as it still has bugs and Mozilla is working on finalizing this anticipated new release of Firefox 3.

You can download beta version 3 here

I recommend downloading the Google Pack which is free and includes multiple software programs such as: Google Earth, Norton Security Scan, Firefox with Google Toolbar, Skype, Spyware Doctor, Picasa, RealPlayer plus more and of course it's free. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Will Firefox cause problems with IE 7 if I Download?

Your computer comes with Internet Explorer already installed if you have the Windows operating system and not Apples Mac.

Your free to download Firefox, Opera or any other browser that you may choose if you would like to compare or use another browser if you are not happy with Internet Explorer, especially version 7.

Firefox 2 and Opera 9 are two very popular browsers and have received great reviews from CNET and users alike.

So the answer is no, you won't have any compatibility issues by downloading another Internet browser if you choose to do so.

Best 3 browsers by number of downloads according to download.com:

1- Avant Browser 11.5 build 21

2- Mozilla Firefox

3- Internet Explorer 7

Top rated? Opera 9.25

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