Friday, June 18, 2010

Firefox Vs Internet Explorer - Which Are the Main Differences?

I think it is fair to say that most people have heard of internet explorer and Firefox, but few people really know what the differences are between the two. Also, statistically, about 2x more people use internet explorer compared to Firefox. However, I think this is mainly because of the fact that internet explorer has been around far longer than fire fox, and it also comes installed on just about any PC on the face of the earth by default.

So what are the biggest and most obvious differences between the two internet surfing platforms? Well, they are actually more similar than most people realize, but there are certainly some advantages and disadvantages to each program. For example, internet explorer is basically more compatible with more websites, and it is also less likely to display a website improperly. However, this is only really a factor when it comes to websites that are extremely old and outdated, which means that they use older HTML code standards, among other things.

However, now for the advantages of Firefox. Firefox is well known for its amazing speed, at least when compared to internet explorer. I think the main reason why fire fox is much faster than IE is because it simply has less bells and whistles, and the program coding is more efficient as well. Also, even when you have multiple tabs running, Firefox still runs amazingly fast. When you start opening more than 3 or 4 tabs in internet explorer, you will definitely notice that the program will start to bog down, even on faster PCs.

Also, another awesome thing about Firefox is the fact that they make a LOT more nifty plugins and tools bars when compared to internet explorer. I'm not quite sure why that is. Perhaps because it is a faster running program, and can easier handle the extra burden of new plugins running in the back ground? Or perhaps it is just easier to create programs for Firefox, who knows. But at any rate, there you have it. Those are the most prominent differences between internet explorer and Firefox. Other than that, they are pretty much the same thing, and function exactly the same when it comes to browsing the internet or doing your online shopping.

The great Article was written by Jeffrey, who sure happens to love writing in his free time. Jeffrey also creates websites too, and he has recently made a site about the Makita chop saw as well as Makita circular saws.


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